• 日本の医師免許を取得したい外国人のための情報サイト



在留資格とは、外国人が日本で活動する為に必要な資格(許可)です。 在留資格は種類によって日本での活動内容が決められています。




If you change your address, you need to declare it to the municipal office in the following 14 days. You need to bring your residence card and passport. In the municipal office you will fill a form to declare the changement of address. The new address will be print on the back of your card.When moving to another city you need to do some paperwork. First of all, you go to the municipal office of the town where you live. You bring your resident card and submit a “moving out notification”. You will acquire a “certificate of change of address”. You can go to the municipal office of your new town of residence. You need to bring your residence card, certificate of change of address and my number certification. Then submit a moving-in form. The new address will be printed on the back of your card.



There is different visa associated with different conditions (tourism, student, professor, working). The tourism visa only allows to stay 90 days on the Japanese territory and does not allow to work. If the applicant gets a student visa, while joining courses the student can work 28 hours a week (but overtime is forbidden). The length of stay will be defined with the company or the university. Usually, it is accordingly to the length of your contract (1 year, 2 year, …).A working visa allow the applicant to work without restriction in the field defined by his vis (ex: professor one can only work in teaching field).Once the visa is accepted by the Japanese administration, it is important to take the papers from the Japanese embassy of your country. At your arrival in Japan, this paper is needed to get issued the resident card. This card will be your ID document you always have to carry with you in Japan. The front of the card include various information such as name, date of birth, sex, nationality, address, status of residence, period of stay, period of validity of this card



Person with a student visa is authorized to work 28 hours a week (overtime is forbidden)(1).If any reasons the residence card is stolen, broken, damaged or lost the card holder must apply in the following days to the immigration centre of his residence area(2).The visa can be renewed 3 months before its expiration. It is recommended to start the process as early as possible. You bring all the papers needed to the immigration office. After the examination of all the documents. The immigration office will ask you to fill up a post card. This postcard will be sent to you to notify you if your visa is renewed or not. Consider that the answer may take 3 weeks.(3) During your stay in Japan, you can come to your country for some days. At the airport, before the passport control you need to fill up the following form. In this form, you declare when you will come back in Japan. The arrival part of the form will be attached with your passport. Be careful to not lost it.

