• 日本の医師免許を取得したい外国人のための情報サイト


This examination is for those who meet certain conditions to be eligible to take the national examination for medical practitioners. Those who meet the certification criteria through document screening will be certified as eligible to take the National Medical Practitioner Preliminary Examination. Those certified to take the National Medical Practitioner preliminary examination will then take this examination. In addition, those who pass both steps must complete one year of public health and medical practice formation before passing the national examination.


A person who has graduated from a medical school in a foreign country or has obtained a doctor’s license in a foreign country and who has been deemed appropriate by the Minister of Health, Labor, and Welfare. The candidate must graduate from 5 years of medical school and follow at least 3500 hours of teaching.
Graduates of a secondary school under the former Secondary School Ordinance or those certified as eligible for admission to a vocational school under the former vocational school entrance examination regulations. Those who have graduated from the target school
Before August 15, 1945, obtained a medical license from the Governor-General of Korea, the Governor-General of Taiwan, the Director-General of the Karafuto Agency, the Director-General of the South Pacific Agency, or the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Manchukuo, or the medical license of a consular officer. Japanese people
A person who has passed the first part of the medical examination conducted by the Governor-General of Korea or the first part of the medical examination conducted by Manchukuo before August 15, 1945.
A person who is deemed to have obtained a doctor’s license under the Medical Practitioners Act according to a cabinet order concerning special measures for the application of laws and ordinances related to the Ministry of Health and Welfare associated with the reversion of Okinawa and who has been certified by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare.


(1) 第1部試験:東京都
  筆記試験 令和6年6月17日(月曜日)
(2) 第2部試験:東京都
  ア.筆記試験 令和6年9月26日(木曜日)
  イ.実地試験 令和6年11月12日(火曜日)又は13日(水曜日)


第1部試験 第2部試験
〇 筆記試験 〇 筆記試験 〇 実地試験
〇 試験科目
〇 試験科目
〇 試験科目
9教科で各教科10問出題され、計90 問の試験 6割以上で合格 各教科とも口頭試問形式で個別に判定される
6割以上で合格(54点以上)の絶対評価形式 絶対評価形式 各教科3点の15点満点、10点以上で合格
試験日程は毎年6月中旬あたりに施行されている 試験日程は毎年9月中旬あたりに施行 0点の教科が存在した場合、総合得点10点以上でも不合格


① 第1部試験に合格した者でなければ、第2部試験筆記試験を受けることができない
② 第2部試験筆記試験に合格した者でなければ、第2部試験実地試験を受けることができない


100-8916 東京都千代田区霞が関1丁目2番2号 厚生労働省医政局医事課試験免許室
TEL.03(5253)1111(内線2575) FAX.03(3503)3559